

Youth Ministry

Welcome to LIFE, our Middle School/High School Ministry. Our youth ministry motto is built into our name, LIFE, which stands for Living in Faith Every Day.

We hope to teach and model for the youth what faith looks like lived out daily, wherever they are: not just at church, but at school, in their families, and ultimately when they go to college and beyond. God is not only at church: He's with us all the time.

If you’re interested in LIFE or have any questions, contact our Youth Minister Elanor Lin at!

Core Values

Teaching God's Truth

We want to pass down truths from the Bible about who Jesus is, the central message of the Gospel, and the overall story of salvation history. Through Friday night messages, small group discussions, and Sunday school lessons, we want to take those treasures and give them to the next generation.

An Invitation to Live It

A real relationship of trust in God doesn't stay isolated in the head. We want to help the youth walk with God by giving them opportunities like retreats, missions trips, and service, all guided with youth counselors. We want to support them through struggles, so they can taste the real flavor of the grace God shows us as we take risks to trust him.

Building Up in Love

In the middle of their school years, when so much emphasis is placed on achievement and success, we want to build up the youth, not in skills or excellence, but in love. God loves them for who they are, not for what they can do. Through small groups, friendships, and counselor care, we hope to show the love of God to each of our students.


Sunday School

Sunday 11:10AM

Room 108 (Middle School) - Gospel Project

Room 142 (High School) - Alpha Series

Friday Night Fellowship

Friday 7:30PM

Sanctuary B

Current Series: God-Breathed World

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